WLP81 The Future Work Centre

In today's episode, Pilar talks to Richard A MacKinnon from the Future Work Centre, about the World of Work model and taking an evidence-based approach to making changes in our organisations. 58:15 mins


Pilar talks about her experience in in-person conferences (she gets very tired...).

How proxemics inform our online communication - see Sococo screenshot.

Changing the Context of communication in virtual teams, to allow for different people to engage.

If you want to join us in Virtual Team Talk, fill in this form. https://markkilby.typeform.com/to/l9kVcd


The Conversation with Richard A. MacKinnon from The Future Work Centre

19:40mins What does The Future Work Centre do?

Pilar met Richard at the E-Resilience Conference. Hear more about this in a previous episode.

The problem with 'top tips'.

"The public has a real appetite for science."

Think Like a Scientist! http://www.futureworkcentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Lies_damn_lies_and_statistics.pdf

The World of Work Model: http://www.futureworkcentre.com/who-we-are/world-of-work/

"People don't get up in the morning with the goal of making bad decisions."

On employee engagement: http://www.futureworkcentre.com/2016/04/employee-engagement-emperors-new-clothes/

Next seminar on 22 Sept 2016, London: http://www.futureworkcentre.com/events/evidence-matters/employee-engagement/

Insight into Action events: http://www.futureworkcentre.com/events/insight-into-action/

Beware of 'confirmation bias' and 'action bias'.

Annual performance reviews: what's the evidence to say they don't work?

Events at the Future of Work Centre

New research area: Management and Leadership


Get in touch with Richard: info [at] futureworkcentre.com
Follow on Twitter @fw_centre
Website: http://www.futureworkcentre.com/

Pilar OrtiComment