How I'm Using Trello for the 21st Century Work Life podcast

I have many projects on the go and freelance for a range of companies doing a variety of things. I also work from two different computers and I like to have access to as much of my work as possible when I'm on the go.

I've played with many online "productivity" tools but have ended up using a collaboration tool to keep everything neat and tidy in one place. Trello is really easy to use and the tablet app is very intuitive, dragging with your finger your tasks from Pending (or whatever you want to call your list) to Completed.

But in order to make the most out of this tool, I need to ask my clients and collaborators to use it too. And that's where it gets tricky.

Most of us now have registered with many tools, with many websites and to ask someone to add yet another login to their list... So I created a little video for them, to show them what the tool can do and why I prefer to use it instead of using any of the other tools and methods available.

And seeing as I've created it for them, I thought I'd share it with you.




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