Today’s podcast episode is all about how the physical and digital workspace align (or not) with the work that we do.
Read MoreWelcome to our new format, magazine-style podcast. Today’s episode is all about staying healthily well-balanced, whilst remote working and features guest Paul Read, who talks about teaching Tai Chi online.
Read MoreWe have spent the month of April redesigning the format of our 21st Century Work Life podcast. We're now almost ready to go! Meanwhile, podcast subscribers will have received four different audio blogs through their feeds. Here they are in case you missed them.
Read MoreShould technology replace trust? Are there ways of using technology so that we don’t have to rely on trust to get the work done in remote teams? How much do we need to trust each other and how much should we show our work? We try to answer these questions in today’s episode.
Read MoreThere are many aspects of self-management that are worth incorporating into more traditional organisations: using technology to support our work, finding ways for people to choose why they work on and with whom, and shifting managers' mindsets, from supervisor and task-allocator, to enabler.
Read MoreDoes time tracking software have a place in remote work? Pilar talks to Rob Rawson, CEO of Time Doctor.
Read MorePenny Pullan, author of “Virtual Leadership” talks to Pilar about how project teams operate in the virtual world and the skillset that individuals need to lead them.
Read MoreThere are many valid reasons for resisting going remote in your team, but today we cover those reasons based on myths and common misconceptions about personalities suited to remote work and communication.
Read MoreWhat factors in the workplace affect where we choose to work with others? Dr Kerstin Sailer and Ros Pomeroy from BrainyBirdz talk to Pilar about what they’re finding out in their experiments.
Read MoreWe continue talking about co-working, this time with Bernie J. Mitchell, who tells us about engineering connections between members of co-working spaces.
Have coworking spaces lost their initial purpose? Maya and Pilar discuss three recent articles about co-working: the diverse types of co-working spaces available, the move of corporations into the co-working space and whether blockchain might well bring back the original spirit of co-working.
Pilar talks to Dom Price from Atlassian about how to maintain a playful, collaborative mindset in a growing organisation.
Read MoreThere are some questions we ask ourselves when designing our physical collaboration space. We can use most of these questions to design our online collaboration space too.
Read MoreFernando Polo describes his company’s journey towards salary transparency, and tells us why they’re moving towards self-setting salaries at Good Rebels.
Read MoreCurrent research suggests that having text-based debates can diminish our perception of the other person and that audio-only conversation can build more empathy than that involving also visual elements. What does this mean for virtual teams?
Read MoreLaura Roeder, founder of Meet Edgar, talks about how her company is structured and the role that clarity and transparency play in ensuring the right culture-employee fit
Read MorePilar and Lisette review the last year and look forward to what 2018 might bring.
Read MoreMaya Middlemiss shares her experiences as a freelancer and joining Virtual not Distant and Management 3.0.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar talks about the fears that arise around the use/overuse of technology when we introduce a remote setup.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar looks at what we mean by "authentic leadership" and what that might look like in practice. (And whether that's how we want to define our leadership style.)
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