Online Facilitation for Remote Teams
and Those in Transition
Building your virtual team is not a one-off activity, it's a long-term adventure.
Managers of remote or ‘office-optional’ teams face new challenges when it comes to getting everyone on the same page. If your team doesn’t meet face-to-face on a regular basis, cohesion, communication, and connection can become more difficult.
If you’re a new remote team or a team in transition, you might be feeling disconnected from the people you work with and not know how to fix it. All the elements to get your work done together are there, within your team - but you need to find new ways of unlocking them.
There is a wealth of untapped knowledge and hidden potential buried within team members. At Virtual not Distant, we can help you to carve out the time and structure for those critical conversations and essential planning that never seem to take place.
With the expertise of our facilitators in online leadership and collaboration, your team can explore its challenges, objectives, and alignment for the future. Facilitation enables groups to collaborate effectively while equally involving all members in a meaningful way. During this process, your facilitator will not only guide you, but also advise you on the best possible solutions. (The principles of visible teamwork can be adapted to help team members keep their workflows aligned, share their learning and stay connected at a human level.)
Creating the space for these ideas to be exchanged can have both intrinsic and extrinsic value. It can strengthen personal connections and your understanding of each other, as well as build a shared experience that becomes part of your team’s history. It can also help you to create tangible outputs, which will improve your performance and productivity in the future.
For example, we can help you to...
Create a team agreement, to avoid information overload
Plan your next six months
Design your ecosystem of visible teamwork
Do You Also Need TRAINING in Online Collaboration?
We can design the sessions to blend training with facilitation. This will give your team a set of new tools, to enable the implementation of your new plans.
“Pilar has accompanied us during this transition, providing her knowledge and experience managing remote teams. She's helped us to reflect and being the change process towards a hybrid way of managing teams, blending virtual and colocated presence.” -Learning & Development on In-House Transition Programme
If you and your team could use some reflection and fine-tuning as you make the switchover, get in touch using the form below.