WLP86 The Collaborative Online Workspace: Sococo

In today's episode, Pilar talks to Mandy Ross from Sococo about how the tool is helping team members stay connected through technology. 47:10mins



Link to episode on Coworking in Sococo: http://www.virtualnotdistant.com/podcasts/online-coworking/

Pilar recommend the Kellogg Insight podcast episode on Managing Conflict in Virtual Teams because it focuses on multicultural teams, though they also take a broader view. http://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/podcast-tips-for-managing-conflict-at-work


The Conversation with Mandy Ross from Sococo

07:40mins Sococo, what it is, what it looks like, what it was designed for. How this workspace works.

"At a certain point after you work all the time in Sococo, the technologydisappears and all that's left is the relationships between the people that are there."

The history of Sococo.
How the Cloud presented a threat and an opportunity... The mindshift when going opensource.
Let Mandy know if you want to test out the mobile version of Sococo. @SococoMandy

The importance of a fan base when you want to make an important change to your product. (Shout out to AgileBillKrebs)

The early adoption system on mobile app stores.
Mandy's job: Director of Marketing and Agile Coach
Mandy's work history.
Sococo in Japan.

What kind of companies are using Sococo and in what ways - agencies working with freelancers, customer services, HR, dev-ops.

Pilar, Andy, Jakub, Judy, Lisette and Mandy during the VIrtual Team Talk having coffee during the Internal Affair. (While Melanie was doing yoga...)

Pilar, Andy, Jakub, Judy, Lisette and Mandy during the VIrtual Team Talk having coffee during the Internal Affair. (While Melanie was doing yoga...)




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