Management Café August 2023: Who Ends Up in Management Positions and Emotional Leadership Theory

Looking for a podcast about leadership and management to accompany you during your coffee break? Join Pilar Orti and Tim Burgess for 25 minutes (more or less) of informal chat about leading teams. We now have coffee every other week.

From this page you can listen to our Management Café March episodes - but we recommend you subscribe to the show on your favourite podcast app, or subscribe to the Management Café blog, where we post the show notes.

We’d love to hear what you think of the show, so feel free to drop us a note with your comments, or suggestions for new episodes.

#60 Who ends up in management positions?

There are far too many official leaders who don't really want to be managers. Given most workers cite their manager as their main reason for leaving a company, this is a big problem. It's hard to love your job when your boss hates theirs.

How do so many people end up as managers when they shouldn't? Who should be a manager? Is leadership a natural trait or a learned skill? It's a wide ranging conversation in the café today, including a rare disagreement between our co-hosts Pilar and Tim!

#61 emotional leadership theory

Going deeper into their exploration of different leadership styles, and inspired by this article on the MindTools blog, Pilar and Tim look at the Emotional Leadership Theory pioneered by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee. It ends up being another therapy session in the café as Pilar and Tim talk about their own preferences, strengths and weaknesses.

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