WLP364 Researching Gen Z plus Reading and Listening Recommendations

For today’s Recommendations episode, Pilar is joined by Catherine Nicholson, co-founder and creative director of The Virtual Training Team. Before they move onto this month’s reading and listening recommendations, Catherine talks about her recent interest: the blend of generations in the workplace, and how to make the most ouT of them. Recorded on 7 August 2024.

This is the audio version of our monthly newsletter, made up of reading and listening recommendations. You can sign up to the newsletter here.

In today’s episode, Catherine returns to the show to talk about her recent research into Generation Z - but first, what tech has Catherine been experimenting with since Pilar last spoke to her on the show?

At The Virtual Training Team, they've embraced VR wholeheartedly, with each team member having their own headset. They conduct weekly meetings in VR and even celebrate special occasions like birthdays in virtual environments. Catherine herself sometimes works in VR co-working spaces, highlighting the potential of this technology to reshape our work environments.

"You've got to be in it and play with it before the world is ready for it."

Catherine has currently started a project to better understand Generation Z in the Workplace.

As Generation Z (born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s) enters the workforce, Catherine and her team have been conducting research to understand their unique perspectives and needs. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z has grown up with smartphones and social media, shaping their communication styles and expectations in the workplace.

Some key insights about Gen Z workers include:

  • They're passionate about working for organizations that align with their values.

  • They're willing to walk away from jobs that don't meet their expectations.

  • They challenge traditional notions of work, such as long hours and limited work-life balance.

However, we shouldn’t rely too heavily on stereotypes.

The Impact of Virtual Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer of complexity to generational dynamics. Many Gen Z employees entered the workforce during or after the pandemic, potentially missing out on traditional office experiences. This has led some organisations to push for a return to office, believing that in-person interactions are crucial for mentoring and professional development.

However, for some Gen Z workers, virtual environments feel more natural. Catherine mentions the book "Virtual Natives" (one of her recommendations) that explores this phenomenon, suggesting that for some, the idea of commuting to an office seems alien and unnecessary.

It’s by focusing on individual strengths and fostering an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives, that companies can harness the power of multigenerational teams and new technologies to drive innovation and success.

We need more research to understand more about our colleagues at work, so here’s an opportunity to take part in the research on Generation Z in the workplace that The Virtual Training Team are carrying out. They’re particularly looking to hear from Gen Z people in the workplace, or those who have people from that generation in their teams.


If you would like to hear Catherine talking about her training work, check out these other episodes:

25.50 MINS

Reading and Listening Recommendations

Coffee Break Articles:

Should the daily stand up die?
by Jennifer Riggins via leaddev.com

Pilar recommends this article, which will be of interest to anyone thinking of whether to continue with daily or regular update meetings.

This of course led Pilar to ask Catherine if there was any research on preference of meetings and it turns out that is Catherine’s recommendation!

Understanding Millennials In The Workforce: Key Statistics And Insights
via firstup.io

Catherine loves this great roundup by Firstup of the key stats and research around Millennials from McKinsey, Gartner etc etc

Revealed: the factors that influence employees’ flexible working options
via ADP

How flexible are workplaces globally, and who’s taking advantage of flexibility in the workplace?

Why Wisdom Work is the New Knowledge Work
by Chip Conley via hbr.org

Another pick by Catherine, where the author explores the power of sharing wisdom and knowledge across generations. Catherine says, “I love the term “Mentern” from ‘mentor’ and ‘intern’ where pairs from different generations get together to share skills, experience, knowledge and wisdom.”

What distributed teams can learn from open-source projects
Via Monospacementor - Jochen Lillich

Let’s learn from truly distributed teams!

If you’re looking for more things to read, check out this newsletter written by one of our newsletter subscribers, Samantha Jade:
All Things Remote
full of more reading recommendations and practical advice!

32.45 MINS

Book Recommendations:

Virtual Natives by Catherine D. Henry and Leslie Shannon
Catherine’s recommendation! An exploration of those people (mostly Gen Z and Gen Alpha) who are living beyond just a digital world but a more virtual world. Living and working on social platforms, VR and even behind avatars, feeling less pressure to interact in traditional F2F experiences.

Hidden Potential by Adam Grant
It was when Pilar saw Catherine post about having enjoyed this book that she decided to finally read it. After recommending it in a past newsletter, she stopped reading (can’t remember why!) and she’s only just picked it up again, really enjoying the unusual set of examples and research, inlcuding the miners who got stuck in a mine in Chile and Finland’s education system.

The Expectation Effect by David Robson
Pilar is currently reading this book which addresses the question: “How do the body, brain and culture interact so potently to produce these self-fulfilling prophecies?”

Multigenerational Workplace by HBR

Catherine has really enjoyed this series of articles/pieces written across 2 sections: Understanding your 5 Generation Workforce and Bridging the Generational Divide.  Topics vary across shadow boards, menopause, reverse ageism and meta-stereotypes.

The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway
One last one by Pilar. This one is full of quotable sentences and chunks: Sheryl Crow once said, happiness isn’t “having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got” and “What’s most valuable about advice isn’t a recommended course of action but the questions you get in response—pressure-testing your reasoning”

43.48 MINS

Listening Recommendations:

Podcast: Blanchard Leadership podcast
Episode: Blanchard Leadership Summit Keynote Preview with Jennifer Brown and Marcus Buckingham
Date: 1 August 2024

A podcast recommendation from Catherine:

Marketing Against the Grain
Catherine gets insight both about marketing and tech in this show!

AI Chat
This is how Catherine keeps up with what’s going on with AI, in short bursts.

Podcast: Zoe Science and Nutrition
Episode: The Benefits of Olive Oil
Date: 31 July 2024

We’re not only about work in this podcast!


Check out Catherine’s videos on the multigenerational workplace. You might want to start with this one, especially if you’re in Learning & Development:

Check out the Virtual Training Team’s YouTube channel:

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