WLP130 Catching Up with the World of Work

In this episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about a range of articles that have caught their eye over the past weeks. 

(1) Pilar and Lisette discuss a worrying new statistic: one in five employees in the UK are afraid to ask their managers to move onto flexible working. What's going on?

Articles about flexible working:




(2) We talk about Apple's new headquarters. The dangers of silos vs a great place where people want to work. Can buildings adapt as fast as they need to?

The article about Apple’s New HQ

(3) Article on the perils of being the only remote worker. The need to have empathy with those who are remote when most of us are collocated. 


(4) Some random updates.
Pilar recommends using the microphone on your smartphone’s keyboard to reduce typing into it.

Pilar’s new book “Hi, I’m Here for a Recording. The ordinary life of a voiceover artist.”  is out now “https://pilarwrites.com/2017/06/25/the-ordinary-life-of-a-voiceover-artist/

Lisette recommends an editor: The-editrice.com

Pilar talks about taking part in the 10-day Business Book Proposal Challenge: https://alisonjones.leadpages.co/proposal-challenge/

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