In this episode, Pilar advocates for an Office Optional approach, where the office becomes one more place where we can work from and how the nature of how we work in those spaces needs to change.
In this episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about a range of articles that have caught their eye over the past weeks.
Read MoreIn this episode Pilar talks to David Horowitz, co-founder and CEO of Retrium on why he created a tool to guide teams through retrospectives and how he’s growing a distributed business.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about their recent experience being involved in a day online event on working in virtual teams. This might be of interest if you are involved in organising a virtual event for your team or community.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar talks to Brie Reynolds, Senior Career Specialist at Flexjobs, about taking control of your career when working remotely.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar and Lisette analyse a recent article by Patrick Lencioni where he recommends to stay away from working as a virtual team.
Read MoreA special episode of the 21st Century Work Life podcast, where Pilar shares her main reflections after attending the Work 2.0 conference last May 2017, in London, along with contributions from other attendees.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar and Lisette share their favourite online tools and why they work for them. Can you add any to the list?
Read MoreIs it a manager's job to motivate team members? Or is it our job to just get out of the way? In today's episode, Pilar shares a couple of motivation theories and asks some questions to help you determine whether your behaviour is nurturing self-motivation or hindering it.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar talks to Chris Slemp about working out loud with teams, creating a collaboration environement and I how remote work has the potential of changing the structure of society. 55:21 mins
Read MoreIn this episode, Steve Holyer shares why he works as Product Owner coach (amongst other things) and the importance of allowing teams to find how they best have fun together.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar talks to Paul Thoresen, organisational consultant, about developing teams, trust and using surveys in organisations.
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss the different ways in which we talk about work life and non-work life, as well as some of the issues arising when working through technology. 30:42mins
Read MoreIn today's episode, Pilar talks through the things we can tweak as individuals, to make our virtual meetings comfortable. 19:25mins
Read MoreIn today's episode, Pilar and Lisette share their experiences in virtual coworking and highlight those elements that can be applied to working in a virtual team.
Read MoreWhat contributes to team members trusting each other in virtual teams? In today's episode, we present a range of thoughts, questions and suggestions to help maintain trust in virtual teams. 55:35mins
Read MoreIn today's episode, Lisette and Pilar continue their conversation about how the collocated space can evolve by adopting virtual teamwork practices.
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar talks through the different ways in which team norms emerge and why it's important to keep an eye out on these unspoken rules.
Read MoreIn today's episode, Pilar talks with Eva Rimbau-Gilabert about a recent piece of research on how "managing up" tactics differ between collocated and virtual workers (those in close physical proximity to the manager and those working away from the office).
Read MoreIn this episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about how having a remote set-up and a fliexible workforce affects how we work in the office. 55mins
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